Three Keys to Changing the World

Here’s my take on three ways you can change the world (“put a dent in the universe” in Steve Jobs’ lingo). You can listen to a message Shirin and I gave about this (and learn more about our calling) or just read on.


1.  Figure out your calling. This one thing you must do. It is what I pray most consistently for my kids. It might take a while, but you should have a decent idea by the age of 30 (as long as you pay your bills and stay out of debt). Don’t get into the box too quickly. Once you’re in a cubicle, mortgage and a minivan, it is hard to get out. Here are some starting points…

  • What do you enjoy most?
  • When do you feel most alive?
  • What have others affirmed in you?
  • How are you most able to help others?

Our calling: Make disciples of all nations by going where others won’t and harnessing the power of the body of Christ to work together to that end.

2. Do it well. Learn from others. Make your biggest mistakes early. Hone your craft. Get your 10,000 hours as quickly as possible. This is five years of full-time work, so if your craft is a hobby it will take much longer.

3. Do it long. Decades long. I love the book by Eugene Peterson, “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” (actually, I’ve never read it, but I think I get the idea). There have been some extraordinary 5-10 year runs, but those who have the biggest impact, don’t flame out or cash out quickly.

In an age of Snapchat, this is where Psalm 1 comes into play. Don’t exchange your birthright after two years or even five. Do something for 30 or 40 years. You should figure out your calling by the age of 30. I realized some of my heros didn’t figure out their calling until deep into their 20s (Bill & Vonette Bright). If you figure out your calling in your early 20’s you get a bonus decade!

As my friend Charles Reed says, “it’s not that long when you consider we are immortals.” My heroes have exemplified this pattern. Paul the Apostle, Bill & Vonette Bright, Steve Holt, Paul Eshleman, Jim Green, Ken & Pat Hutcherson, Mark & Linda Webster, Rick & Kay Warren, Phill Butler, Hal & Lana Jones, Bob & Ilene Bradberry and Vernon Grounds.


12/18/13, 4:25 p.m. Within two hours of posting this, we received word that Hutch (Ken Hutcherson) went to be with Jesus. Here is his story of turning from hatred to love on I Am Second. I miss you Hutch. See you on the other side.

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