I find that managing my texts has become complicated. Though not as much volume as my emails (see 9 Keys to Managing Your Inbox), it is still substantial. I am surprised how often people don't respond to personal text messages…especially people under 35. I think it is a common courtesy to reply to all personal text messages.
Here is the system I've developed to manage my text messages without having them manage me.
- Use a messaging app on your computer. I’m in the Apple ecosystem so I use Messages, but there are other apps for PC like Google Messages. This is a must-have feature while working on a computer. Position the app on one of your desktop screens so it's accessible when needed, but not visible while working.
- Turn off notifications on your phone and laptop during work hours. Notifications will disrupt your work flow more than anything else. The advent of notifications has decreased our ability to focus.
- Scan text messages in the morning when you start your workday (without opening any) to see if there is anything urgent. If it looks urgent, open it and respond to it. Otherwise, leave it unread for now.
- Respond to your texts mid to late morning after you have accomplished significant work. By now you should be in a flow-state and less likely to get hijacked by someone else’s agenda. Now read and respond to each text on your computer using voice to text. Scroll down to the oldest unread message and go 5-10 beyond it to make sure there is not a message that was opened but not responded to. Work your way from oldest to newest until all the messages are managed. This should take no more than five minutes.
- Scan your texts mid-afternoon (without opening) to see if there's something that looks time-sensitive. If so, open and respond to that one message.
- Respond to all new texts at the end of the workday before responding to emails. Respond to each text from oldest to newest as in point number four.
- Don't respond to text messages again until the next morning. This lets people know you are not always available. I follow the same pattern every weekday. I may respond to personal text messages once during the evening.
- On weekends respond to texts on your phone 1-2 times a day from oldest to newest.
- Use an emoji to bring a text conversation to a close.
- Use words to honor a thoughtful message. Even if it's just, "thank you for that thoughtful message.” That feels much more honoring than a thumbs-up.
By limiting your time on text messages you stay in control of the communication flow. It’s too easy to get stuck in text conversations that absorb too much time and way too much mind-share.