There is extraordinary power waiting to be unleashed in every hour. In that time you can make a stride toward a vocational, personal or creative goal. You can learn, love or look into the face of another with their best interest in mind. Scott Peck (The Road Last Traveled) defines loves as “the will to extend oneself for another’s spiritual growth.”
On Saturday, September 17, 2022 I crossed the line from my 6th decade into my seventh. That means God gifted me with 525,600 hours on this earth. I’m stunned by his grace and generosity. I contemplate how well I am stewarding my life. I think about how well I am investing the hours of each day. If an hour is a tangible slice of possibility, then a day is a potential masterpiece. When good hours turn into days, you construct something of great value over time.
Scripture teaches us to number our days. Here is a life hack, number your hours and you will be more effective at numbering your days. Steward your hours well today. Be intentional about investing them in the things that matter most. Evaluate at the end of the day, week and year to see how well you’re doing. As you do this over time, you’ll experience the joy of a life that is meaningful, generous and kingdom-worthy.
Amen thanks Clyde
Thank you so much your advise has done great impacting my life