Identify your 12
Commit to writing down the names of 12 people you will intentionally pray for and love this year.
Will you take the challenge?
As followers of Christ, we should be intentional about discipleship: pouring our lives and faith into the lives of others so they can do the same with others still. Jesus modeled discipleship in the Bible, then he commanded it. Will you ask the Lord to give you the names of 6-12 people you can invest in over the next year? If you don’t know how to make disciples, or how to pray for others, here’s a starting point…write the names down and keep the list on your phone, in your prayer journal or someplace where you will be reminded to pray for them.
Imagine what it would look like if 5% of the world’s Christians were intentional about discipleship, prayer, and loving others towards Christ-likeness. There would be a web of interconnectivity where people are being prayed for, served, loved, encouraged, inspired and instructed.
I committed!
Fill out this form to let us know you’ve written down your 12 so we can pray for you
“As you go, make followers in all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19)
Identifying my 12 allowed me to think through and focus on the people around me in a meaningful way.
Steve Baldwin

Pray that they would experience and know God’s fullness, truth and love.

Send them simple resources that lets them know you are thinking of them

Let them know the qualities you see in them.

Text a verse that just encouraged you.

Bring them with you through life so they can see how you follow Christ

Invite them to identify THEIR 12.